June 15, 2012

How the Fracking Industry Keeps its Secrets

Nondisclosure agreements prevent doctors and researchers from gathering valuable data on the health and environmental impacts of fracking.
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout.org, May 17, 2012

The “Rogers” family signed a surface-use agreement with a fracking company in 2009 to close …

June 13, 2012

NYC's Odd Sense of Good Health: No Big Sodas But Radioactive Kitchens

He wants big soda out of our lives, but Mayor Bloomberg wants to put in our lives, cancer-causing radon.
By Eileen Stukane, Huff Post New York, June 12, 2012

For his desired ban on the sale of 32-ounce sugar-sweetened beverages …

June 12, 2012

Add Your Name to the Letter to NY City Council Speaker Quinn Re: Radon in Marcellus Gas

CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR NAME to the June 1, 2012 letter to Speaker Quinn beginning:

Dear Speaker Quinn;

We are writing to request your assistance in holding joint hearings of the Committee on Environmental Protection and the Committee on …

June 12, 2012

PASA Asserts its Position in Favor of a Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Extraction

Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture Urges a Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Drilling
June 11, 2012

Promoting Profitable Farms that Produce Healthy Food for All
People while Respecting the Natural Environment
Statement on Unconventional Natural Gas

June 7, 2012

Okla. Billionaire’s Meltdown Could Mean More Pa. Fracking

“The world’s biggest fracker” plans to save itself by shifting from “a strategy of asset capture to a strategy of asset harvest.”
By Will Bunch and Daily News Staff Writer, Philly.com, June 6, 2012

OK, SO THINGS aren’t looking so

June 5, 2012

Press Release – NY City Council Speaker Quinn is Asked for Hearings on Radon in Marcellus Gas Coming to NYC

Press Release – for immediate release                                              June 4, 2012

Speaker Quinn is asked for Hearings on Radon in Marcellus gas coming to NYC

Damascus Citizens for Sustainability(DCS) and NYH2O along with over 50 signatories have sent a letter to Speaker …

June 4, 2012

Letter to NY City Council Re: Joint Hearings on Radon in Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale

This letter discusses the potential for exposing every New York household that uses natural gas to dangerous levels of radioactive radon.

Click HERE to read the letter as delivered on June 4.
Read the Press Release here.

For additional information:

June 4, 2012

Ohio Lawmakers Approve New Oil and Gas Well Regulations

New regulations for the oil and gas industry in Ohio are heading to Gov. John Kasich’s desk.
By John Funk, The Plain Dealer, May 24, 2012

New regulations for the oil and gas industry in Ohio are heading to Gov. …

June 4, 2012

Ohio Senate Passes Water-Use Bill Easily; Gov. John Kasich Will Sign It

Legislation regulating Lake Erie water sailed through the Ohio Senate
By Aaron Marshall, The Plain Dealer, May 22, 2012

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Legislation regulating Lake Erie water sailed through the Ohio Senate Tuesday and is now charting a course for …

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