Britain Could Save $150 Billion by Investing in Clean Energy

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Britain Could Save $150 Billion by Investing in Clean Energy

Report: Britain Can Save $150 Billion through 2050 and Cut GHG Emissions by Investing in Clean Power

A report from the British Parliamentary Committee on Climate Change found that Britain could save $150 billion through 2050 by focusing energy development on clean technologies. The report concludes that clean energy investments will cost more than natural gas-fired plants upfront, but will produce significant financial benefits by the 2030s. Additionally, an emphasis on wind power, nuclear power, and carbon capture systems would still be financially beneficial even if significant natural gas resources are found in Great Britain over the next several years. Conservative Minister of Parliament Tim Yeo noted, “There has clearly been quite a big attempt to portray decarbonisation as a huge burden to the consumer. But this report provides a robust rebuttal to that argument on anything but a short-term basis.”

More information from Bloomberg Businessweek
More information from The Independent (UK)

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