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Radioactivity in Marcellus Shale

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D., Ekaterina Alexandrova, Jackie Travers   Radioactive Waste Management Associates 

Report prepared for: Residents for the Preservation of Lowman and Chemung (RFPLC) 

1.0 Qualifications

Marvin Resnikoff is Senior Associate at Radioactive Waste Management Associates and is an international consultant on radioactive waste management issues. He is Principal Manager at Associates and is Project Director for dose reconstruction and risk assessment studies of radioactive waste facilities and transportation of radioactive materials. Dr. Resnikoff has concentrated exclusively on radioactive waste issues since 1974. He has authored or co-authored four books on radioactive waste issues. In June 2000, he was appointed to a Blue Ribbon Panel on Alternatives to Incineration by DOE Secretary Bill Richardson.

He is a 1965 graduate of the University of Michigan with a Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics, specializing in group theory and particle physics. Dr. Resnikoff is a member of the Health Physics Society.

He has researched and written reports on radioactivity in oil and gas operations for the past 18 years. He has conducted dose reconstruction studies of oil pipe cleaners in Mississippi and Louisiana and is continuing to work on personal injury cases involving former workers and residents at the ITCO and other oil pipe cleaning yards in Louisiana and Texas. He is also presently working on several land contamination cases in Louisiana, Texas and New York involving radiological contaminants. He has conducted radioactive dose reconstruction studies of oil pipe cleaners in Mississippi and Louisiana, and of ranch hands in natural gas operations in Texas.

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